
Sometimes, life is sweet. Sometimes, life is fun. Sometimes, you're just like WTF?

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Atkins, grades, retarded wives, and more!!!

Hello! So, I got off Atkins! Yay! I got really sick after finals and just ate anything I could get my hands on (including pizzas and pasta) and decided, "Hey, this isn't so bad!" In fact, I kept losing weight after I got off Atkins! - I'm 126 lbs. now! Lucky me! :) And let me tell you, it feels GREAT to eat sushi again! :D Actually, I got off for another reason; Time magazine came out with a special report on obesity in America and one of the diets listed was Atkins. Well, it said that there is conclusive evidence that long-term Atkins adversely affects your colon and liver health! So, that's why I decided to quit :P

Remember how I told you my GPA this semester would be between 3.3 and 3.6? It's a 3.75! Theoretically an A- across the board! :) I was actually surprised that it was over my original estimate! :D My grades were actually all As and one B... looks like my creative writing teacher liked my work after all! Then again, how could she not? After all, my poetry has won international awards :P

As an add-on to my last post, I forgot to include the rest of the conversation between Chris and I! Basically, we talked about whether we would be together if he were retarded (to which I said yes)... but then I asked him if he'd still be with me if I were retarded... and here's the sweet part... I said, "What would you get out of being with me? I couldn't stimulate your mind or do anything with you... There would be no advantage to staying married to me!" and he said, "I'd want to make sure that my wife, the person I married out of love, would still be taken care of and safe." Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :) Then I asked him if he'd cheat on me if I were retarded and he's like "Gross! No way! How could I sleep with someone else and then come home to you? I just couldn't do it! It's wrong!" So, I asked him if we'd still have a sex life... to which he responded, "Yes, even though you'd be giggling the whole time, we'd still have sex"... to which I asked, "What if I were your HOT, retarded wife?" :P haha

I've also updated my apartment layout! I put the TV in the front room and put one of the couches where the TV used to be. Then, I moved the bookcase to the living room and the computer to the bedroom and then moved the kitchen table so it seats four now (this means more dinner parties everyone!) So, now I have the liberty to do my workouts, play video games, sing my Vietnamese karaoke, watch movies, and do my Alexander technique all in a large, open area! Stop by to see it sometime!

Lastly, I bought an electric 5-string violin! It was $260 off eBay and it's not a bad instrument! Yay! Well, that's all the news for now! Maybe I'll post a pic of me in some shiny leather pants and my new green 5-string on here one day... till then, thanks for reading and I hope you're all having a good summer!


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