
Sometimes, life is sweet. Sometimes, life is fun. Sometimes, you're just like WTF?

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

B = TC squared

That formula stands for: Brilliance = Thoughts of Chris squared... So, tonite, we had an argument (or as I shall now so affectionately coin them: Buddha Battles) over whether I should get a natural looking boob job or a more fake looking boob job. Yes, lame topic but interesting outcome. Specifics aside, we managed to get through the argument without very much yelling, putting each other down, or using accusational "you" statements... and even when we made a mistake, we politely reminded the other person to mind the other person's feelings... which is a BIG step in the right direction for us. I'm proud of us that we are fighting smarter and bringing about a relationship that involves increasing amounts of trust, respect, openness, and closeness.

There were some things that we discussed that I'd like to share here because they are simply brilliant... First, we all know that no one is perfect, right? However, Chris goes on to say that we can never be absolutely perfect for another person because sometimes, what we need is not what we want, and sometimes, what we want is not what we need. That's an interesting thought... which brings about the next shard of brilliance... Often, we think that if we change something about ourselves that other people will like or appreciate us more. In my case, I felt a more natural boob job would appeal more to my b/f than a fake looking boob job. His response to that was, "Yes, I prefer the more natural looking breasts. However, it's your decision and I don't care what choice you make." To which I responded, "Why don't you care?"

Here's what he said: "If I really thought that a certain type of breast would make me like you more or less, then the real basis of our relationship is how your breasts look. That is to say that how your breasts look would be the predicate of the relationship, meaning that what we have now is nothing and simply a precursor to the start of the "real" relationship which is when you get a natural looking boob job." Sounds basic, but you'd be surprised at how many of us (men and women) don't realize that the ones that love us don't love us for want of our perfection, but for what we already are and, hopefully, continue to be.

So, tonite, I'm giving us both a round of applause because we both fought smart and I think we learned a little more about each other and what is at the foundation of our relationship as well as, for me, reinforced why I think my b/f is simply wonderful... He's brilliant, isn't he? ;)


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