
Sometimes, life is sweet. Sometimes, life is fun. Sometimes, you're just like WTF?

Monday, March 21, 2005


Yay! It's my Spring Break! :D I'm not going anywhere exciting or doing anything very out of the ordinary this year because I just need this time to catch up on homework, sleep, and apartment cleaning. God, my place is such a mess... :( so, the tumor/hernia/lymph node actually was treated (rather well) by some very powerful anitbiotics - which leads me to believe I had cat scratch fever, although I'll have to do a followup with my doc to make sure. I'm feeling better except for some mild pain every now and then. I'm even thinking of going to Kung Fu class tonite to do some light stretching and exercise. Tomorrow, they are thinking of heading to Mountain High for some snowboarding! :D I really want to go! But I guess I'll have to see how I feel first. :P

So, my b/f, Chris, got his new apartment last week and I saw it for the first time this weekend! :D It's so totally cute! I can see myself spending a lot of time there hehe ;) We went shopping for all sorts of stuff to help him move in, and I forgot how many things you actually have to get for your place to even make it "motel quality". I'm so glad I don't have to go through all the headache that comes with furnishing your new apartment, although it is kinda fun decorating one. I'm jealous of that; I wish I had a new apartment to decorate hehe :P But even though I have all these ideas for how to make his apartment look snazzy, I have to remember to bow out because it's not my turf. I'm looking forward to helping him learn how to cook with all of his fancy new gadgets though! :D Our first cooking lesson? Ramen! haha j/k :P

Other than all of that, I've been really sleepy today. I woke up around 8AM and then went back to sleep and slept from 10AM to 1PM. Can you believe I'm still tired? I actually want to go to sleep right now :( *yawn* But there's still so much to do *sigh* BTW, thanks to everyone for all your kind thoughts and wishes about my illness. I really appreciated it :)


  • At 7:37 PM , Blogger Barbara aka Yooni said...

    I have a cat too, and I was wondering, what is cat scratch fever?

  • At 10:00 AM , Blogger Kis Lee said...

    hey there is a science to making good ramen. you have to cook it until the noodles are still kinda crunchy (unless you like mushy noddles).

    enjoy your spring break!

  • At 10:49 AM , Blogger grace said...

    barb: don't be picking up the cat poop, okay? that shit's poisonous to you and your baby right now. or something like that.

    q: i hate you because you have a spring break.

  • At 12:10 PM , Blogger Yankeebob said...

    I'm really glad to hear you are better Quyen. Of course, I have no idea what Cat Scratch Fever is. I just thought it was a cool Ted Nugent song.

    And Grace is right, cats poop can be deadly to a fetus, so any pregnant women should not be messing with it at all.

  • At 3:55 PM , Blogger Barbara aka Yooni said...

    Thanks Grace & Yankeebob for the tip. My doctor told me that too, but luckily my cat no longer uses the litter box since we moved into this house. We have a doggy doorm and he takes care of business outside! But thank you for the love *muah*

  • At 8:34 AM , Blogger peachy said...

    It's amazing what antibiotics can do. I'm glad your growing twin has finally left the building.

    You can help me decorate and feel free to do whatever you want. My turf is your turf. :)

  • At 11:29 PM , Blogger Jer said...

    sleep is addictive, like crack even. The more you get, the more you want. I hear that's how comas happen.


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