
Sometimes, life is sweet. Sometimes, life is fun. Sometimes, you're just like WTF?

Thursday, March 03, 2005

My Achilles Heel

If there was one flaw of mine that could turn me from mild-mannered Asian college student into Greek tragedy, it would be my memory. My memory is so bad that I forget things people have just said to me. It's so bad that the only thing I can count on is images - visuals. I don't remember words spoken or dates. I can't pinpoint a memorable night down to even the month in which it occurred. It's come to the point where if Chris says I said something or did something, I have to believe that I did it, even though it may seem uncharacteristic of me. Imagine for a second just how much access Chris has to the possiblity of manipulating me... :P

My bad memory is a combination of things. However, it stems from one terrible center: my abusive childhood. I remember very few bad things that happened to me when I was young. The only things I remember are the feeling of flying through the air and across the room until my body collided into a closet door and broke it (I don't remember why I was thrown or if it hurt, just that feeling of weightlessness and then the inevitable crash) and hitting my head on the end of a banister as a child and having my dad come in and beat me for accidentally hurting myself. The rest of these bad memories come to me in the form of stories from others - how I was thrown into a clothes dryer and had it turned on with me inside, how my arm was broken with a strike from a telephone, and other seemingly impossible stories of abuse from my father.

But I guess it happened. People tell me it did. So, I guess I have to believe it. But I don't remember any of it. I've blocked it out - bad memories I never want to remember. And I think my brain has gotten so used to burying memories deep inside of me that it doesn't know how to do anything else. I see my childhood in the way that someone would flip through a photo album - just snapshots and scenes with no captions. Even if I could remember, I'm not sure if I'd want to. But there are memories that I do want to hold on to, like standing at the stove, cooking, Chris sneaks up behind me, slides my hair away from my neck and presses his warm lips against my soft skin *sigh* But who knows when even that will bury itself like all the rest? :(


  • At 10:24 AM , Blogger Yankeebob said...

    The mind has it's own self defense mechanisms Quyen. I guess yours is trying to protect you from all that nastiness you had to endure. Maybe you can teach yourself that it's OK to remember the good stuff. It would suck to forget the special moments and have to be reminded of them all the time.

  • At 1:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    My favorite is when talking to Q, she'll tell me something. And then I'll bring it up a week or two later, she'll be....'How did you know THAT?!? Did I tell you that???' Damn sight annoying, but I've often thought about capitolizing on it. Just straight making up answers, like it came to me in a vision, or maybe that I'm psychic (which would probably tip Q off that I'm joking, as I think that sort of thing is bumpkis). Other ideas I've had:

    I really do just know everything.

    I was there, don't you remember. (Actually, some of the stuff she forgot about I was there for.)

    I commune with Nature

    It was posted on the mens room wall.

    Just randomly correcting her on some things (actually it was mid-afternoon Q).

    And whatever else could tickle my fancy. I love being a sadist.


  • At 1:09 PM , Blogger Kis Lee said...

    yeah, sometimes the mind works in mysterious ways.

    i'm the opposite...i remember things that most people want to forget. it's bad because i tend to hold on to painful memories.

    heh...some memories should be forgotten.

  • At 2:02 PM , Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

    Jeez, Q. I think it's probably better to not remember that. I have a terrible memory too, but I have no excuse.

  • At 2:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hi folks,

    I know the Laaaaaaazzzer comments broken so I thought I'd send the message here and hope peeps see the new comment. Q went into surgery yesterday for a new problem that's cropped up. Shouldn't be too much of an issue, but if you could all send her your best wishes, that would be snazzy.

    Man, we've really got to get Q a maintenance contract. She's constantly looking to upgrade the exterior, but I'd be more worried about the bad plumbing.

    Anyway, best to all -

  • At 2:57 PM , Blogger Quyen said...

    Actually, I didn't. haha Faked you out... Actually, read my new post. Thanks for looking out for me, TMA ;)


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