
Sometimes, life is sweet. Sometimes, life is fun. Sometimes, you're just like WTF?

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Organizing Headaches

So, I've taken it upon myself to prepare a timeline for all my assignments which are due. I've already completed my task for the day (which was filing for financial aid). Now, I can work on a couple other things due tomorrow morning. It's scary! I have something due every day from now until spring break! I'll be so glad for the mid-semester break...

I've decided to take the advice of Peachy and TMA - I'll be leaving for SD Saturday afternoon after I finish work. I'll get to see my mom, see Toasty, my sisters, relax in a city that has a little less pollution and maybe just get a second wind in order to combat all this stress. All this time, I thought that if I just worked harder in the face of adversity, I'd succeed. I guess it just goes to show that when you can't push a wall over, it helps to go around it. ;)

I've been getting these huge migraines for the past 24 hours. I never get headaches. I think it's due to some combination of worrying about all the due dates and nightmares and then not eating enough food. I'm really used to having a meal every 3-4 hours. But now, I'm trying to cut back down to 3 slightly larger meals per day. I'm not sure whether the headaches are from stress or just because I'm woozy from not eating enough. Hmnn... Then again, I did just eat a 6" Subway sandwich and my head still hurts. At least the FAFSA is one thing off my mind ;)


  • At 10:53 AM , Blogger Kis Lee said...

    i get those hungry headaches, too. i always get those tension headaches where it feels like someone is squeezing your whole skull w/ a giant fist. sometimes it's stress, sometimes not enough caffeine.

  • At 11:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Wow, after reading little eyes, I kind of want to put my index and them near my eye, find someone and start "Squeeshing their head"


  • At 7:00 PM , Blogger Chris said...

    When you find a way to tame the wild headache beast, let the rest of us know. lol

    -currently harboring a headache of my own, even with a delicious meal-

    It could just be that time of the year when the stress piles on like all the countless dog shit of the world. You'll do fine. "(You're) just masochistic like that" ;)

    To little eyes: caffeine addict? mmmm....caffeine. I used to shake and sweat from the addiction. Maybe that's why headaches don't bother much.

    To Jeremy: You're not the only one who was surprised to read "giving head" under Quyen's list of Loves. Not that it's not true, lol.

  • At 6:50 AM , Blogger peachy said...

    I'm glad you're going to see your mom and Toasty. I forgot Toasty was with your mom. It will be a nice vacation.


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