
Sometimes, life is sweet. Sometimes, life is fun. Sometimes, you're just like WTF?

Monday, June 14, 2004

When you're happy and you know it, do NOT reach for a stick of butter

I think I'm getting used to this whole "eat healthy foods" campaign :) I have no problem eating salads and dried fruit versus cheese and protein burgers. I'm still maintaining my figure and I'm building muscle to boot from working out! (which Chris thinks is pretty hot :P) However, I do get really low on energy if I don't consume enough calories :( So, I'm up to 2 hours and 30 minutes between "snacks" now, and I've upped the calories per meal to 270... that way, if I keep increasing the time by 10 minutes and 10 calories more per "snack", I'll still maintain around 1500 calories per day when I reach 3 hour intervals. This must all sound so planned out and formulated - it is ;)

One thing I'm learning is that you can eat lots more food if you just eat greens and use a tiny bit of dressing and pull a "McSalad Shaker" to distribute the dressing well. Another way to make foods flavorful without fats is to use different spices and spreads like garlic salt and sour cream... Although, the sandwich I had last nite was grilled in butter... and it tasted soooooo good! :P But butter comes at a price - 2 grams of cellulite per pat... Have fun at the trampoline party! ;)


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