
Sometimes, life is sweet. Sometimes, life is fun. Sometimes, you're just like WTF?

Friday, October 15, 2004

Juxtaposing the third world marriage and the marriage of today

In peasant societies that are isolated from the rest of civilization, certain roles are naturally taken on by both men and women in the monogamous relationship. The man goes out and hunts an animal and brings it back to his wife. It is the wife's job to proceed to then make things out of the animal, like clothes, food, and tools. So, to turn this into a formula of sorts, the man brings in the resources, then the woman turns those resources into kewl shit ;)

Now, in the isolated civilization, there exists a desire to procreate for reasons of raising children to take care of elderly parents in old age. So, the women is also inclined to stay home and raise children while the man goes out to hunt for animals to bring home.

Today, many things have changed. People no longer have to worry about being taken care of in old age due to retirement savings and social security checks. Women now feel a need to be a vital part of the workplace. Additionally, women's rights are becoming increasingly equal to the rights of men.

The marriage of today offers women many more options than their third world counterparts. Today, women practice the choice of whether or not to have children. Today, women can bring in as much money from their career as men do. So, why, if conditions are better today than the third world, is there such a high divorce rate?

We live in a society where the "resource" we go out and "hunt" is called cold, hard cash. This can be traded for clothing, food, and tools - all the things the wife in the third world couple was responsible for. This fact that women's jobs as wives has become virtually obsolete coupled with the option to not raise children puts women in a very tricky situation.

Women today are caught between wanting to be taken care of by their husband and protectorate and wanting to feel independent of a life as just a wife of a man. Some women expect to be taken care of but do not want to fulfill the traditional role of siting at home to help stretch the dollar. Instead, women have turned to doing absolutely nothing worthwhile; they are not raising children, and they are not working jobs.

Because women are now not taking care of the couple's retirement (in the form of children) and they are more apt to spend money versus help stretching the abilities of the resources that is brought in by the man, divorce is much more imminent than that of the third world couple.

P.S. This has only dealt with the lazy wife and doesn't commend the good deeds of wives who work, the bad deeds of men who don't work and don't raise kids, nor the myriad reasons a divorce could also ensue. Thanks for reading :)


  • At 8:25 PM , Blogger Mike said...

    Unquestionably the most intelligent, well thought out and inciteful passage I've yet seen on your blog and most others. Well done.

    If I may interject with an opinion from the XY side. Not all men were very good hunter/gatherers. And even fewer are good at it right now. So no worries, for every weak woman, there are plenty of weak men to pair.

    And I can think of few things so repulsive as a weak man.

  • At 10:58 PM , Blogger Quyen said...

    I agree with you on the weak men thing... and thanks for the compliment... Although, it looks like no one else read it... :(


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