
Sometimes, life is sweet. Sometimes, life is fun. Sometimes, you're just like WTF?

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

PSY 352 - Motivation

This is the most amazing class ever! It's like group therapy for all 130 of us. This class was so packed that more than 40 people stood throughout the entire lecture because they wanted to add the class. It seems very challenging! We have a 2,500 word essay due in 2 weeks, based on an entire textbook. Yes, that's right! We have to read an entire textbook and write a paper in under 2 weeks! Guess what I'll be doing these next couple weeks? ;)

During the class, he gave a presentation on bettering ourselves by bettering our outlook on life - changing "I can't, I won't" into "I can, I will". So much of what he said applied to me - fear of success, fear of failure, self-sabatoge, etc. It was like a self-esteem workshop! I got so emotional because everything he was saying was totally applicable to me. I feel that this class is going to be very good for me simply because I'll learn a lot just to better my own life.

Interestingly enough, I got home and one of my friends was bummed out. So, I used some of what I learned in the class to try and help cheer him up :) Looks like this class DOES affect lives! Even though I know it's going to be tough, I hope I can... wait... I KNOW I can succeed :)


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