
Sometimes, life is sweet. Sometimes, life is fun. Sometimes, you're just like WTF?

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Class Schedule or Daunting Task?

Hi everyone! I'm standing here typing on a CSU-Pomona computer waiting for Chris to get off work... He's sick. So, last nite I came over to try to take care of him when I actually just succeeded in keeping him up :P Bad me... Anyway, I've been trying to plan my class schedule for the next 3 semesters... Only 46 units to graduate... Yay :) That's like 15 units per semester... With part-time jobs and work-study, that will be a challenging, yet manageable, schedule :)

So, here's where the hard part comes in... I'm inspired to take some classes in subjects I don't know or really suck at... Science is something I REALLY suck at... and I was thinking, "Gee, what if my kid has science homework one day and I'm totally useless in being able to help him?" I'd be like all the other clueless moms across the country! The ones that never went to college, blah, blah, blah... So, shuddering, I make a vow to learn at least a little about the stuff I'm totally clueless in... Now, which science to choose? God, I hate all of them!

Biology? Physics? Chemistry? It all rushes past me in this blur of late nite frustration, broken test tubes, and of course, the science fair project gone awry... But here's the cincher... I need to take at least one upper-division science class! Great! Not only do I suck... but I'll be writing a 2,500 word paper on how much I really suck... At least I can write :P

But the worst part has to be where I ask which classes to take and Chris comes back with, "Well babe, I'm not saying ur not intelligent enough... but you just may not have enough to pull an upper-division science class off... I mean, even science majors try to avoid taking upper-division science courses... and Lit. majors? They know not to do it... That's like asking to fail" Okay. Now, I understand the whole Quyen sucks at science deal... and I understand it's upper-division for a reason... but c'mon... give me some credit... if not for my masterful command of the sciences (Ha! I made a pun!) then at least for my persevering nature! Wait... what persevering nature is that??? Great! I'm fucked...


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